Researcher | Educator | Author
Dec 13, 2023. “Onko musiikkiala yhdenvertainen?”. Invited Speech at the Teosto Talks: Onko musiikkiala yhdenvertainen? Teosto. Helsinki, Finland. Dec 13, 2023.
"Bridging the Gap: Unpacking the Challenges and Affordances of Technology in Music Classrooms”. Invited Lecture at the Neueste Akzente des Musikunterrichts im digitalen Zeitalter Hybrid lecture series, Lübeck University of Music (online). Lübeck, Germany. Nov 22, 2023.
Musiikkikasvatus muutoksessa: kohti kestävää tulevaisuutta. Joint paper with Marja-Leena Juntunen at the VI Valtakunnalliset musiikkikasvatuspäivät [Finnish Music Education Seminar], 16-18 November 2023, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Developing Responsible Tertiary Music Programs for the Post-Digital Age: Toward Sustainability and Change. Joint paper with Lauri Väkevä the 14th International Music Business Research Days, 1-3 November 2023, University of Agder, Department of Popular Music, Kristiansand, Norway.
Towards AI didactics: Call for teachers to train language models for research writing in higher arts education. Joint paper with Lauri Väkevä the ENCATC Congress 2023 Artificial Intelligence Embraced: the future of the cultural and creative sector, 11-13 October 2023, Helsinki, Finland
“Advancing planetary wellbeing through ecosocial (arts) education”. Invited Speech at the Conversations on On Ethics, Sustainability and Hope, Høgskulen på Vestlandet. Bergen, Norway. Sept 14, 2023.
Advancing equality, diversity and inclusion in the composing field: lessons learnt from the UK and Finland. Joint paper with Kirsty Devaney at the Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference, 11-14 April 2023, online.
“Säveltäen vastuullisuuteen? Musiikin mahdollisuudet kestävyyskriisissä.” Invited Lecture at the Musiikinteoria- ja säveltapailupedagogit MUTES ry series (webinar). Helsinki, Finland. Feb 16, 2023.
Musiikkikasvatus väkivallan maailmassa: kuinka rakentaa hyvää tulevaisuutta. Professorial Inaugural Lecture, University of the Arts Helsinki. Helsinki, Finland. November 10, 2022.
Supporting teachers’ professional development in music education technology. Joint paper with Christian Rolle & Julia Weber at the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNRME) [online conference], 5.-7.4.2022.
Alleviating gender inequality in and through music composition studies. Presentation at the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNRME) [online conference], April 5.-7., 2022.
Composing canons? Examining the professional habitus and mechanisms of exclusion in composition pedagogy. Presentation at the Gender and Musicianship Study Days [online conference], January 24.-25., 2022.
Eettisesti kestävä tutkimus: mitä, miksi, miten? Keynote Speech at the MACS and Music Campus Research Day, Jyväskylä University. Jyväskylä (online), Finland. May 7, 2021.
The stories we tell, the world we create. Research and the arts as a disruption and source of hope. Keynote Speech at the Siba Research Days, University of the Arts Helsinki. Helsinki (online), Finland. March 3, 2021.
Kohti kestävää tulevaisuutta? Ristiriitaiset arvot, ideologiat ja ohjeistukset musiikin yliopistokoulutuksessa. Joint paper with Marja-Leena Juntunen at the Kasvatustieteen päivät [online conference], November 25.-26., 2021.
Säveltämisen ohjaaminen osana musiikinopettajien ammattitaitoa. Joint paper/workshop with Mikko Seppänen and Leena Unkari-Virtanen at the V Valtakunnalliset musiikkikasvatuspäivät [Finnish Music Education Seminar], November 17.-20., 2021.
Voiko musiikkikasvatuksen tutkimus muuttaa maailmaa? Panel Discussion at the V Valtakunnalliset musiikkikasvatuspäivät [Finnish Music Education Seminar], November 17.-20., 2021.
Facing global challenges in and through the interdisciplinary arts pedagogy. Joint paper with Marja-Leena Juntunen at the Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference [online conference], April 6.-9., 2021.
Soundtrapped? Examining a music education action research study through a socio-material lens. Joint paper with Kari Holdhus & Catharina Christophersen at the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNRME) [online conference]. March 1.-3., 2021.
Taiteidenvälinen työskentely osana globaalikasvatusta: opetuskokeilu aineenopettajankoulutuksessa. Joint paper with Marja-Leena Juntunen at the Kasvatustieteen päivät/FERA Conference on Education [online conference], 15.-16.12.2020.
Creating shared futures in a world of flux – a Finnish perspective. Presentation in the “The topology of music education as a field of research, policies and practices” round table at the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNMPF) NNMPF 2020 Conference, Copenhagen, Danmark, 3.-5.3.2020.
October 2, 2019. “Muuttuva musiikkikasvatus. Perinteen säilyttämisestä luovaan häiriköintiin?” Lecture at the HKMK music pedagogues’ in-service training. Helsinki, Finland.
November 23, 2019. “Building a sustainable future through the arts.” The State of Europe Forum 2019. Helsinki, Finland.
October 30, 2018. “Engaging with Change: Future Directions for Professional Capacity Building in Higher Music Education.” Keynote Speech at The Nordplus Intensive Course – Pushing Borders: Beyond Traditional Venues of Music Education (NNME 2018). Järvenpää, Finland.
November 8, 2018. “Mapping a composing pedagogy in the Finnish music education.” Nordic Music Days – Composition Teaching Seminar. Helsinki, Finland.
Engaging with change within the music profession: A case of Finnish composers. Presentation at the Commission for the Education of the Professional Musician (CEPROM) Seminar, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 11.-13.7.2018.
Response to Dr. Glen Carruthers’ paper Career stages and personal agency: Negotiating a lifespan in music. Commission for the Education of the Professional Musician (CEPROM) Seminar, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 11.-13.7.2018.
Response to Dr. Diana Blom’s paper Identity and career/further education thinking of three Indigenous Australian technical college music students. Commission for the Education of the Professional Musician (CEPROM) Seminar, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 11.-13.7.2018.
Musician-Teacher Collaborations: A field of tensions. Symposium at the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNMPF) Conference, Hurdal, Norway, 13.-15.2.2018.
Response to Dr. Carvalho Cascelli de Azevedo’s paper The cultural diversity in music pedagogical experience of pre-service teachers and beginning teachers. Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNMPF) Conference, Hurdal, Norway, 13.-15.2.2018.
July 20, 2017. “Towards Cosmopolitan Musicianship in the Era of Total Connectivity.” Keynote Speech at The Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education (APSMER’17) – Music Education Transcending Borders. Melaka, Malaysia.
June 9, 2017. “Oppimiskäsitykset reflektiivisen opettajan toiminnan ohjaajina.” Speech at the Sibelius Academy’s Teacher Seminar (Kevyesti kohti kesää -seminaari). Helsinki, Finland.
February 2, 2017. Arts Equal. Panel discussion at the MARS 2017 Festival. Seinäjoki, Finland.
SongPump: Developing a composing pedagogy in Finnish schools through collaboration between professional songwriters and music teachers in the “Musician-Teacher Collaborations in Educational Settings” symposium at the Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference, Bath, UK, 24.-27.4.2017.
Composing cultural diversity in higher music education. Joint papers with Linda Toivanen at the Cultural Diversity in Music Education Conference (CDIME), Kathmandu, Nepal, 29.3.-1.4.2017.
November 25, 2016. “Säveltäjyyden jäljillä: musiikintekijät tulevaisuuden koulussa.” Panel discussion at the ‘Uudistuva musiikkikasvatus, toimijuus ja tasa-arvo’ seminar. Helsinki, Finland.
October 7, 2016. “Säveltäjyyden jäljillä.” Speech at the Säveltämisen pedagogiikka, SÄPE music teachers’ in-service training. Helsinki, Finland.
August 25, 2016. ”Multicultural Music Education”. Panel discussion at the Tiedekulma – Think Corner. Helsinki, Finland.
Equality in Music Education at School: From Theory to Practice. Joint paper with Marja-Leena Juntunen in the “Arts education for all?” symposium at the Kasvatustieteen päivät, Turku, Finland, 17.-18.11.2016.
Beyond inclusion? Reflections on equality in music teaching and learning in Finnish basic education. Joint paper with Marja-Leena Juntunen at the Arts without Borders Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 19.-22.10.2016.
Crossing borders in arts education: Possibilities for collaborations across institutions, professions and disciplines. Symposium at the Arts without Borders Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 19.-22.10.2016.
Towards educational development through intercultural collaboration: Co-creating the ‘third space’ in music teacher education in Finland and Nepal. Joint paper with Vilma Timonen & Iman Shah at the International Society for Music Education 32nd (ISME) World Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 25.-29.7.2016.
Commentary in the “Recent Nordic applications of music education technology in teacher training” symposium at the International Society for Music Education 32nd (ISME) World Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 25.-29.7.2016.
Engaging all learners through the arts: The possibilities of multimodal, collaborative learning in fostering equality in schools. Joint paper with Eeva Anttila, Marja-Leena Juntunen, Hanna Nikkanen, Isto Turpeinen and Riku Saastamoinen at the 44th NERA Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 9.-11.3.2016.
November, 19, 2015. “Some, musiikkioppilaitos ja uudistuva muusikkous. Näkökulmia diginatiivin musiikkikasvatukseen.” Lecture at the ‘Osaava’ music pedagogues’ in-service training. Turku, Finland.
November, 12, 2015. “Millaiseen muusikkouteen koulu kasvattaa? Opettajien näkemyksiä musiikin luovan tuottamisen haasteista ja mahdollisuuksista.” Keynote lecture at the Musiikkikasvatuspäivät (FiSME) conference. Helsinki, Finland.
November, 12, 2015. “Kulttuurienvälisyys musiikkikasvatuksessa.” Panel at the Musiikkikasvatuspäivät (FiSME) conference. Helsinki, Finland.
June, 23, 2015. “Building visionary music education institutions in Finland: From musical reproduction to creative collaborations.” Keynote lecture at the College Music Society International Conference. Helsinki, Finland.
Social activism in the ‘Majority World’ music education: A narrative study on one Nepalese Newari musician’s life-long negotiation between tradition and visions for inclusion. Joint paper with Prof. Heidi Westerlund at the 2015 Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference, Exeter, UK, 14-18.4.2015.
Participatory culture and creative music making in schools. Presentation in the “A brave new world: Theory to practice in participatory culture and music education” interactive research symposium at the 2015 Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference, Exeter, UK, 14-18.4.2015.
Commentary in the “Recent Nordic applications of music education technology in teacher training” symposium at the 2015 Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference, Exeter, UK, 14-18.4.2015.
The bliss and dread of creative music making: Finnish music teachers’ approaches to teaching composing. Presentation at the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNMPF) Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 3.-5.3.2015.
March, 11-13, 2014. ”Starting points for teaching music teachers” Workshops I-III. Joint workshops with Prof. Heidi Westerlund and Lecturer Vilma Timonen. Nepal Music Center, Nepal.
Music teacher education in the face of ‘new musicianship’. Presentation in the “How has digital media changed music pedagogy?” symposium at the International Society for Music Education 31st (ISME) World Conference, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 20.-25.7.2014.
December 2, 2013. “What is musical learning in school? Changing views on school music and music teacher education.” Joint workshop with Prof. Heidi Westerlund. Nepal Music Center, Nepal.
November 21, 2013. Suomen Musiikkikasvatusseura ry Valtakunnalliset musiikkikasvatuspäivät: “Säveltäjäksi kasvattaminen”. Helsinki, Finland.
May 23, 2013, Teosto 85 vuotta -juhlaseminaari: “Uudistuva tekijyys”. Helsinki, Finland.
May 8, 2013, (PL)ACE Research Group Seminar: “Between pleasure and pain in conducting a research process. Reflections on a journey of ‘learning by writing’”. Cambridge University, England.
May 2, 2013, “Learning from Cosmopolitan Digital Musicians”, Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
February, 8–10, 2013, TeknoDida -seminaari, Sibelius-Akatemian Täydennyskoulutus/Oriveden Opisto: “Kosmopoliitit digitaalimuusikot oppimisen suunnannäyttäjinä?” Orivesi, Finland.
Teaching as performance: Pre-service music teachers’ self-reflections on a bi-cultural exchange project. Joint paper with Prof. Sidsel Karlen & Prof. Heidi Westerlund at the 2013 Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference, Exeter, UK, 9-13.4.2013.
The Quest for Authentic Music in Schools: Sinking or Swimming? Joint presentation with Alexis Kallio & Prof. Heidi Westerlund in the “School Musicking: A Collaborative Inquiry into Christopher Small’s Legacy for Music Education“ symposium at the 2013 Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference, Exeter, UK, 9-13.4.2013.
October, 4, 2012, “Musicianship...what is it? Who is it for? – A Finnish perspective.” Queensland University, Brisbane, Australia.
Participatory assessment: Constructing professional identity and knowledge communities in popular and folk music studies in Australian and Finnish music universities. Joint paper with Prof. Heidi Westerlund and Assoc.Prof. Don Lebler at the International Society for Music Education 30th (ISME) World Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 15-20.7.2012.
Learning to compose within the participatory culture of new media. Joint presentation with Prof. Heidi Westerlund in the “Claiming semiotic space by composing: Pedagogical perspectives on creative agency in Finnish general music education” symposium at the International Society for Music Education 30th (ISME) World Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 15-20.7.2012.
Opera by…us! Ownership, creative collaboration and (in)formal learning in the changing cultural landscape of music. Presentation at the You, Me, User – Conference on User-Generated Culture, Helsinki, Finland, 25-26.5.2012.
Facing “the curse of living in interesting times” in higher music education: Musical cosmopolitanism as a way forward in future employability. Presentation at the Reflective Conservatoire 3rd International Conference – Performing at the Heart of Knowledge, London, UK, 17-20.3.2012.
Constructing glocal musical identities in the changing cultural landscapes: as an arena for collaborating in “kaleidoscopic music”. Presentation at the Cultural Diversity in Music Education Conference (CDIME), Singapore, 4-6.1.2012.
Living in the Times of Social Creativity: Initiating New Artistic Practices. Joint paper with Prof. Heidi Westerlund at the 2011 Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference, Exeter, UK, 12-16.4.2011.
Portraits of digital musicianship. Presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Narrative Inquiry in Music Education, Brisbane, Australia, 24-27.11.2010.
What can we learn about group and peer learning by studying digital musicians. Presentation at the Third Symposium of Research on Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy: Group Teaching and Learning – Why, What, and How?, Helsinki, 12-13.11.2010.
Response to Ann Marie Stanley’s Collaboration – The Unteachable Moment. International Symposium for the Philosophy of Music Education 8 (ISPME 8), Helsinki, Finland, 9-13.6.2010.
Online music communities of practice: Constructing musical identities. Joint paper with Dr. Sidsel Karlsen at the 2009 Research in Music Eduction (RIME) Conference, Exeter, UK, 14-18.4.2009.
The on-line music communities – a threat or a possibility? Presentation at the Musical Development and Learning - Second European Conference on Developmental Psychology of Music, London, UK, 10-12.9.2008.
New Meanings of Composing in Music Education: Learning from remixing and recycling within informal on-line music communities. Joint paper with Prof. Heidi Westerlund at the 28th International Society for Music Education (ISME) World Conference, Bologna, Italy, 20-25.7.2008.
Musiikin verkkoyhteisöt - uhka vai mahdollisuus? Presentation at the National Conference of the Finnish Society for Music Education (FiSME), Jyväskylä, 5-7.10.2007.