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Current Affiliations

Professor of Music Education
University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy, Finland, 2019–(ongoing)


Docent of Music Education
University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 2021–(ongoing)

Heidi Partti headshot

I work as Professor of Music Education at the Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki in Finland. I am also Docent of Music Education at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland.


As Professor of Music Education, I am actively involved in developing music (teacher) education, and teach and supervise music education students at the Masters and Doctoral Level. I also hold leadership positions with international organizations such as the International Society for Music Education (ISME).


My research interests are initiated by a need to better understand the surrounding world so as to help the music education profession understand and response to the rapid changes and global challenges.


I have published widely in distinguished peer-reviewed journals and has co-authored Säveltäjyyden jäljillä, a book on composing pedagogy, as well as co-edited Visions for Intercultural Music Teacher Education anthology. 

My articles on topics such as music-related learning communities, digital technology, composition pedagogy, and the development of intercultural competencies in music teacher education have been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals and edited anthologies. Lately, I have become increasingly interested in questions related to equality, ethics, and socio-ecological justice.

I am specifically interested in advancing ethical and sustainable research practices within music education. I am a certified VIRT2UE Research Integrity and Ethics Trainer. I also serve as the Research Integrity Adviser at Sibelius Academy. 






Doctor of Music (Music Education)

Sibelius Academy, Finland, 2012

Dissertation title: Learning from cosmopolitan digital natives: Identity, musicianship, and changing values in (in)formal music communities.


Master of Arts in Applied Music Psychology

Roehampton University, UK, 2009

Thesis title: A case study of digital musicians learning to make music.


Master of Music

Sibelius Academy, Finland, 2008

Thesis title: Mikserielämää. Etnografinen tutkimus muusikkoidentiteetin rakentumisesta musiikin verkkoyhteisössä. [Mikseri life – An ethnographic study of the construction of musical identity in an online music community.]


Teacher’s pedagogical studies (60 ECTS), 2008

VIRT2UE Research Ethics Trainer, 2021

Dr Heidi Partti works as Professor of Music Education at University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy. Her research interests are initiated by a need to better understand the surrounding culture of music making, learning, and teaching, so as to help the music education profession adapt and understand the rapid changes transpiring in today’s popular and participatory cultures. Her articles and book chapters on topics such as music-related learning communities, digital technology, peer learning, collective creativity, and the development of music teacher education have been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals. She has also coauthored a book on composing pedagogy.

© 2017–2023 Heidi Partti

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Background photo: Joonas Kurppa

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