Researcher | Educator | Author
Current Affiliations
Professor of Music Education
University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy, Finland, 2019–(ongoing)
Docent of Music Education
University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 2021–(ongoing)

I work as Professor of Music Education at the Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki in Finland. I am also Docent of Music Education at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland.
As Professor of Music Education, I am actively involved in developing music (teacher) education, and teach and supervise music education students at the Masters and Doctoral Level. I also hold leadership positions with international organizations such as the International Society for Music Education (ISME).
My research interests are initiated by a need to better understand the surrounding world so as to help the music education profession understand and response to the rapid changes and global challenges.
I have published widely in distinguished peer-reviewed journals and has co-authored Säveltäjyyden jäljillä, a book on composing pedagogy, as well as co-edited Visions for Intercultural Music Teacher Education anthology.
My articles on topics such as music-related learning communities, digital technology, composition pedagogy, and the development of intercultural competencies in music teacher education have been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals and edited anthologies. Lately, I have become increasingly interested in questions related to equality, ethics, and socio-ecological justice.
I am specifically interested in advancing ethical and sustainable research practices within music education. I am a certified VIRT2UE Research Integrity and Ethics Trainer. I also serve as the Research Integrity Adviser at Sibelius Academy.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3098-5707
Doctor of Music (Music Education)
Sibelius Academy, Finland, 2012
Dissertation title: Learning from cosmopolitan digital natives: Identity, musicianship, and changing values in (in)formal music communities.
Master of Arts in Applied Music Psychology
Roehampton University, UK, 2009
Thesis title: A case study of digital musicians learning to make music.
Master of Music
Sibelius Academy, Finland, 2008
Thesis title: Mikserielämää. Etnografinen tutkimus muusikkoidentiteetin rakentumisesta musiikin verkkoyhteisössä. [Mikseri life – An ethnographic study of the construction of musical identity in an online music community.]
Teacher’s pedagogical studies (60 ECTS), 2008