Researcher | Educator | Author
October 12, 2019
New book on intercultural music teacher education - now available open access
Finally here! Visions for Intercultural Music Teacher Education, edited by Heidi Westerlund, Sidsel Karlsen, and Heidi Partti (Springer, 2019) is now available open access. The book highlights the importance of visions of alternative futures in music teacher education in a time of increasing societal complexity due to increased diversity.
September 19, 2019
A new book chapter on music eduation and religion
The currently published book Music, Education, and Religion: Intersections and Entanglements (Indiana University Press, 2019) edited by Alexis Anja Kallio, Philip Alperson and Heidi Westerlund includes a co-written chapter "The Performativity of Performance: Agency at the Intersection of Music and Religion in School." by Alexis Anja Kallio, Heidi Westerlund and Heidi Partti.
June 01, 2019
Yhdenvertaisesti säveltäen chosen as an Equality Act #tasaarvoteot
The Making an Impact with Equality Acts (2018-2019) program is based on the results and networks gathered during the 100 Acts for Gender Equality project. The Yhdenvertaisesti säveltäen (Equity in Composing) is now chosen as one of the Gender Equality Acts in the project. The project is coordinated by the National Council of Women of Finland and the Council for Gender Equality and funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. #tasaarvoteot
March 31, 2019
Equity in Composing project tackles stereotypes related to composing music
The new project, Yhdenvertaisesti säveltäen (Equity in Composing) is launched! The research-based project aims to reduce gender-based occupational segregation in composing music. The purpose of the project is to achieve a positive impact in the role divisions, attitudes, and beliefs related to composing within the field of classical music. A key focus of the project is exploring new ways to advance diversity and equity in composition teaching.
November 13, 2018
Article on gender inclusion in Nepali music education - now available open access
The article "A cosmopolitan culture-bearer as activist: Striving for gender inclusion in Nepali music education”, co-written with Heidi Westerlund, is now available open access. The life story of a musician from the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, is used to demonstrate what it takes for a “culture-bearer” to initiate radical processes of social change and transformation. In the qualitative narrative case study, we asked what kind of context-specific, socio-cultural negotiation was required to overcome the challenges the musician faced in including girls and women in musical learning in a Newar community. Published in International Journal of Music Education (2018, Vol 36:4).
November 08, 2018
Hooray! for Opus1 - the new composition pedagogy materials online databank
Heidi Partti's article "Pääsy sallittu! Jokainen saa säveltää [Access permitted! Eveyone may compose.]" has been published as part of the brand new composition pedagogy materials databank Opus 1. The online databank is a gateway into the world of musical composition. Intended for any institution or teacher providing music education, the databank includes inspiring insights into introductory teaching of composition and a diverse range of composition assignments particularly suitable for group tuition, small group tuition and individual tuition at music institutes. In Finnish only.
November 07, 2018
Invited talk at the Nordic Music Days
Heidi Partti is excited to have been invited to talk about Finnish composing pedagogy at the composing seminar, which organized as part of the 2018 Nordic Music Days. The seminar is hosted by Suomen Säveltäjät ry. (The Society of Finnish Composers) with the theme of Pedagogy and Equity in Teaching Composition for Young Students.
October 29, 2018
Keynote speech on future directions in music education
Heidi Partti has been invited to give a Keynote Speech at the Nordplus Intensive Course (NNME 2018) in Järvenpää, Finland. The theme of the course this year is Pushing Borders: Beyond Traditional Venues of Music Education. In her speech, Heidi will discuss what it means to be a musician and music educator in the ever-changing world and examine what might be required from higher music education in the midst of global challenges.
July 10, 2018
Seminar on the education of the Professional Musician
Heidi Partti will participate in the ISME Education of the Professional Musician Commission (CEPROM) Pre-Conference Seminar 2018 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. She has served as a commissioner with the Commission since 2016. In her presentation, Heidi will be speaking about composers’ strategies in developing sustainable careers.
July 02, 2018
Article on intercultural music education - now available open access
The "Teaching as improvisational experience: Student music teachers’ reflections on learning during an intercultural project", co-written by Heidi Westerlund, Heidi Partti and Sidsel Karlsen is now available open access. Published in Research Studies in Music Education (2015), the article explores Finnish student music teachers’ experiences of teaching and learning as participants in an intercultural project in Cambodia.
February 12, 2018
A new book chapter on composing pedagogy
The currently published book Musician-Teacher Collaborations: Altering the Chord (Routledge, 2018) edited by Catharina Christophersen and Ailbhe Kenny includes a co-written chapter "SongPump: Developing a Composing Pedagogy in Finnish Schools Through Collaboration Between Professional Songwriters and Music Teachers" by Heidi Partti and Lauri Väkevä.
October 24, 2017
What's going on in music education research?
Heidi Partti along with colleagues will be presenting current results on and discuss future visions of music education research. The seminar forms part of the festival week celebrating the 60th anniversary of music teacher training at the Sibelius Academy in Finland. (In Finnish)
July 31, 2017
Two new OUP handbook chapters on music education technology
The currently published Oxford Handbook of Technology and Music Education (edited by S. Alex Ruthmann and Roger Mantie) includes two new chapters by Heidi Partti: "Building a Broad View of Technology in Music Teacher Education" and "Pedagogical Fundamentalism versus Radical Pedagogy in Music".
February 22, 2017
Book chapter in the new OUP Handbook of Musical Identities
The currently published Handbook of Musical Identities (edited by R. MacDonald, D. Hargreaves and D. Miell) includes the chapter “Identity formation and agency in the diverse music classroom”, co-authored by Heidi Westerlund, Heidi Partti and Sidsel Karlsen.
Säveltäjyyden jäljillä – Musiikintekijät tulevaisuuden koulussa
[In the footsteps of creative music making – Composers in schools of the future]
New book on composing pedagogy available now! Co-authored by Heidi Partti and music journalist, Anu Ahola. Available in Finnish in electronic version. (Printed version SOLD OUT.)